The Star Report Part of write-up by Heather Luker/BellaOnline Wrestling Host Another controversy has hit the world of wrestling recently this time it takes the form of a toy action figure! Complaints about the AL SNOW action figure from the WWF have led two chain stores to take the toy off their shelves. Complainers argue that the Al Snow toys sidekick /gimmick a mannequin head named simply HEAD is representative of abuse towards women. Now I'm a woman but I'm also a wrestling fan and a big fan of Al Snow and HEAD and I can tell everyone who reads this column that HEAD 1) does not represent women 2) it is a genderless entity and is one of the very few gimmicks in the WWF without sexual overtones of any kind with the exception ofits name 3) HEADS soul purpose is as a sidekick to a gimmick Al Snow created while wrestling in ECW and subsequently has thrust him into stardom and 4) ITS NOT REAL and if buying a toy suddenly causes your son to start beating or decapitating his sister then there something wrong in the first place! This is obviously just another glaring example of someone reacting to something they do not know nor have even bothered to take the time to find out what they are even complaining against!